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Monday, August 24, 2020
Jean-Paul Sartre Essay Example for Free
Jean-Paul Sartre Essay Existentialism centers around the possibility that life has no significance and is viewed as preposterous. Existential rationalists accept that people make their own qualities and decide an importance for their lives in light of the fact that, from the beginning, the individual doesn't have any inalienable worth or personality. â€Å"Existence goes before essence†is one of the most notable existential articulations and depicts how our solid being is a higher priority than its motivation. The existentialism development presented another method of seeing life and was delineated through verse, visual craftsmanship and addressing. Utilizing these strategies artists, craftsmen and rationalists had the option to pass on the understanding that scanning for an importance to life is vain, and seeking after it can prompt the edge of complete appreciation about one’s reason for existing, and thusly can make one perceive that life is just as significant as one describes it. In â€Å"Freedom versus Determinism†by Tom Greening, the writer logically questions how the universe functions so as to show the peruser the difficulty of knowing why things occur. Greening utilizes the line â€Å"While we contend, life goes by†to show the point that regardless of how much time and exertion is placed into battling about why things occur, life will consistently push ahead. He is contending that in the event that we sit around endeavoring to comprehend the importance of life, we will just arrive at the edge of comprehension. Through the battle to accomplish this â€Å"understanding,†our own lives can start to evade us. In â€Å"Untitled†by Jackson Pollock, the craftsman utilizes dynamic paint dribbling and brush strokes to communicate the possibility that life isn't intended to be comprehended. With the work of art, Pollock is demonstrating how life is unique now and again, particularly when its importance is sought after. This is like the thought in the bringing together topical explanation of the vanity of looking for the significance of life. Life’s possible importance isn't intended to be seen, much like the work of art. In â€Å"Existentialism is a Humanism†by Jean-Paul Sartre, the instructor protects existentialism from reactions of being critical and bleak. He clarifies that man emerges during childbirth, and simply after this happens would he be able to make a big deal about himself, making his own existence with no outside power pushing him. He expresses that man is the thing that he imagines himself to be, and that's it. Sartre says â€Å"man is nothing other than what he thinks about himself,†to pass on the thought like the one in the bringing together topical articulation, that life is just as noteworthy as an individual describes it. Each of the three existentialists utilized their mediums to reach the resolution that there isn't one solid significance to life. Every individual puts importance to their own lives. Through understanding this guideline significance of existentialism, Greening, Pollock and Sartre showed the way that one ought to understand the simple presence of life is the main thing that issues, and ought not be squandered on vain endeavors to comprehend its importance.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pablo Picasso Essays - Pablo Picasso, Art Movements, Modern Art
Pablo Picasso Essays - Pablo Picasso, Art Movements, Modern Art Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Picasso, Pablo Ruiz y (1881-1973), Spanish painter and stone worker, is viewed as one of the best craftsman of the twentieth century. He was a designer of structures, trailblazer of styles and procedures, an ace of different media, and one of the most productive specialists ever. He made in excess of 20,000 works. Preparing and Early Work Picasso was Born in Mlaga on October 25, 1881, he was the child of Jos Ruiz Blasco, a craftsmanship educator, and Mara Picasso y Lopez. Until 1898 he constantly utilized his dad's name, Ruiz, and his mom's last name by birth, Picasso, to sign his photos. After around 1901 he dropped Ruiz and utilized his mom's last name by birth to sign his photos. At 10 years old he made his first artistic creations, and at 15 he performed splendidly on the placement tests to Barcelona's School of Fine Arts. His huge scholarly canvas Science and Charity (1897, Picasso Museum, Barcelona), delineating a specialist, a religious recluse, and a youngster at a debilitated lady's bedside, won a gold award. Blue Period Somewhere in the range of 1900 and 1902, Picasso made three outings to Paris, at last settling there in 1904. He found the city's bohemian road life captivating, and his photos of individuals in ballrooms and cafs show how he took in the postimpressionism of the French painter Paul Gauguin and the symbolist painters called the Nabis. The subjects of the French painters Edgar Degas and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, just as the style of the last mentioned, applied the most grounded impact. Picasso's Blue Room (1901, Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.) mirrors crafted by both these painters and, simultaneously, shows his advancement toward the Blue Period, alleged in light of the fact that different shades of blue overwhelmed his work for the following not many years. Communicating human hopelessness, the artworks depict dazzle figures, poor people, heavy drinkers, and whores, their to some degree extended bodies suggestive of works by the Spanish craftsman El Greco. Rose Period Not long after settling in Paris in a ratty structure known as the Bateau-Lavoir (clothing flatboat, which it took after), Picasso met Fernande Olivier, the first of numerous allies to impact the topic, style, and state of mind of his work. With this upbeat relationship, Picasso changed his palette to pinks and reds; the years 1904 and 1905 are hence called the Rose Period. A considerable lot of his subjects were drawn from the bazaar, which he visited a few times each week; one such work of art is Family of Saltimbanques (1905, National Gallery, Washington, D.C.). In the figure of the harlequin, Picasso spoke to his modify personality, a training he rehashed in later functions too. Dating from his first decade in Paris are fellowships with the artist Max Jacob, the author Guillaume Apollinaire, the workmanship sellers Ambroise Vollard and Daniel Henry Kahnweiler, and the American exile scholars Gertrude Stein and her sibling Leo, who were his first significant benefactors; Picasso d id pictures of all. Protocubism In the late spring of 1906, during Picasso's stay in Gsol, Spain, his work entered another stage, set apart by the impact of Greek, Iberian, and African craftsmanship. His commended representation of Gertrude Stein (1905-1906, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City) uncovers a masklike treatment of her face. The key work of this early period, be that as it may, is Les demoiselles d'Avignon (1907, Museum of Modern Art, New York City), so radical in styleits picture surface taking after broke glassthat it was not by any means comprehended by contemporary cutting edge painters and pundits. Devastated were spatial profundity and the perfect type of the female bare, which Picasso rebuilt into unforgiving, precise planes. CubismAnalytic and Synthetic Enlivened by the volumetric treatment of structure by the French postimpressionist craftsman Paul Czanne, Picasso and the French craftsman Georges Braque painted scenes in 1908 of every a style later portrayed by a pundit as being made of little solid shapes, along these lines prompting the term cubism. A portion of their works of art are like the point that it is hard to disclose to them separated. Cooperating somewhere in the range of 1908 and 1911, they were worried about separating and breaking down structure, and together they built up the main period of cubism, known as explanatory cubism. Monochromatic shading plans were supported in their delineations of fundamentally divided themes, whose few sides were indicated at the same time. Picasso's preferred subjects were instruments, still-life articles, and his companions; one acclaimed
Friday, July 17, 2020
Schizoaffective Disorder Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment
Schizoaffective Disorder Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment Schizophrenia Print An Overview of Schizoaffective Disorder Understanding the Cross Between Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 02, 2018 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 19, 2020 Verywell / JR Bee More in Disorders Schizophrenia Addiction ADHD Eating Disorders Social Anxiety Disorder Bipolar Disorder BPD Depression OCD GAD Panic Disorder PTSD View All In This Article Table of Contents Expand Symptoms Complications Causes Diagnosis Treatment When to Get Help View All Back To Top Schizoaffective disorder is a chronic mental health disorder that combines symptoms of psychosis (e.g., hallucinations and delusions) with symptoms of mood disorders (e.g., mania and/or depression). Depending on what type of mood symptoms are present, it is diagnosed as either bipolar type or depressive type. The prevalence of schizoaffective disorder in the population is believed to be less than 1 percent, which is less than for schizophrenia or mood disorders. Research suggests that women are slightly more prone while men tend to develop the disorder at a younger age. It is usually first diagnosed between age 16 and 30 and is rare in children. Individuals with the disorder tend to have periods of improvement followed by periods of worsening of symptoms. Whether you have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder or are worried that someone you know may have this disorder or has been recently diagnosed, it is important to understand the common symptoms, how a diagnosis is made, and how treatment can help to reduce symptoms and improve functioning in daily life. Symptoms Symptoms of schizoaffective disorder tend to be severe and vary for each individual. They can be broadly categorized into those that fall under depressive symptoms, manic symptoms, and schizophrenia symptoms. Those with bipolar type will experience cycling of depressive and manic symptoms, while those with the depressive type will only experience the depressive symptoms Depressive Symptoms Psychological: Sadness, worthlessness, hopelessness, restlessness, lack of energy, loss of interest in usual activities, trouble concentrating, guilt, self-blame, thoughts of death or suicidePhysical: Poor appetite, weight loss or gain, sleeping too much or too little, Mania Psychological: Risky or self-destructive behavior (e.g., spending sprees, reckless driving, risky sexual practices), euphoria, irritable mood, racing thoughts, grandiose, easily distractedPhysical: Increased energy and/or more active than usual (e.g., at work, socially, sexually), talking more or faster than unusual, reduced need for sleep Psychotic Symptoms Psychological: Paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, impaired communication, lacking emotion in facial expressions and speech (negative symptoms), low motivation (avolition)Physical: slow movements or no movement (catatonia), poor personal hygiene While the psychotic symptoms listed above describe how schizoaffective disorder appears to an outsider, it is also helpful to learn what these symptoms feel like to a person with the disorder. Disorganized Thinking If you are experiencing disorganized thinking, you may feel like your thoughts are fuzzy or everything feels disconnected. When you speak, you may not be able to remember what you were talking about, so its hard for people to follow what you say. You may also feel like your thoughts are not within your control. Thinking You Are Being Controlled You may think you are being controlled by outside forces like aliens, God, or the devil. You may feel someone is inserting thoughts into your head or that your thoughts are being removed. You might also feel like others can hear your thoughts or access them. Hallucinations You may hear one or more voices that sound real and seem to come from outside you but that nobody else can hear. You might start to talk to them or do things that they tell you to do. In fact, these voices are created by your brain and are not real. Delusions Delusions are things you believe 100 percent to be true but that are not thought to be real by everyone else. They may begin all of a sudden or form over time. Sometimes they are related to the voices that you hear and seem to explain them in some way. Most often delusions are paranoid, such that you think people are plotting against you or spying on you. You might choose to avoid those people as it can feel very scary. Suicidal Ideation and Prevention Suicidal ideation and behavior can also be a problem for some people with schizoaffective disorder. If someone you know is in danger of attempting suicide or harming another person, stay with that person while you call 911 or your local emergency number. The other alternative is to take the person to the nearest hospital emergency room if you believe that you can do so safely. If you live with schizoaffective disorder and are having thoughts of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Complications There are a number of potential complications of having schizoaffective disorder, including: Social isolationInterpersonal conflictsUnemploymentPovertyHomelessnessHealth problemsTrouble adhering to treatmentImpaired academic and occupational functioningSuicidal thoughts and attempts Causes We dont know precisely what causes schizoaffective disorder. However, it is proposed that it can result from a combination of risk factors that affect brain development prenatally and throughout childhood and adolescence. This includes: GeneticsBrain chemistry and structureLife stressors (death in family, loss of job, end of marriage)Psychoactive or psychotropic drug use (e.g., LSD)Viral infections including while in the wombBirth defects Related Conditions Persons with schizoaffective disorder may also live with overlapping disorders such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, and substance and alcohol abuse. A co-occurring disorder can exacerbate the symptoms of schizoaffective disorder and make a person less likely to follow his or her treatment plan. This is why proper diagnosis and integrated treatment is essential when it comes to managing and coping with a dual diagnosis. Schizoaffective disorder is often confused with other mental illnesses, including schizophrenia. These are two distinct disorders, however, each with its own diagnostic criteria and treatment. While they do share many symptoms, the main difference is that there is a prominent mood component with schizoaffective disorder. The Difference Between Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder Diagnosis Schizoaffective disorder overlaps with other conditions so it can be difficult to diagnose. Sometimes, it is incorrectly diagnosed as simply bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, which is why it is important for your mental health professional to have a full history of your symptoms prior to making a diagnosis. The first step in diagnosing schizoaffective disorder is conducting a physical exam to rule out any potential causes, including a seizure disorder or drug or medication use. Depending on the suspected diagnosis, you may undergo blood testing and brain imaging. Next, your psychiatrist or psychologist will conduct a clinical interview to determine whether your symptoms meet the criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). This includes a period of major mood disorder (depression or mania) and at least two of the following schizophrenia symptoms: DelusionsHallucinationsDisorganizationNegative symptoms In addition, you must have had delusions or hallucinations for two or more weeks in the absence of a mood episode. The mood symptoms must also be present for most of the duration of your illness. Are You Experiencing Negative Psychotic Symptoms? Treatment Treatment for schizoaffective disorder can help you to live a more fulfilling life. Treatment may come in the form of medication, therapy, or hospitalization, depending on your particular symptoms. Medication Medications such as mood stabilizers (e.g., lithium), antipsychotics (e.g., paliperidone), and antidepressants (e.g., fluoxetine) may be prescribed for schizoaffective disorder. Taking antipsychotic medication will help you to feel calmer as hallucinations and delusions will be reduced. Its important to continue taking medication even if you feel well, as these medications help to stabilize your symptoms and prevent a recurrence of them. Most often, people with schizoaffective disorder need to take medication for the rest of their lives. Therapy Therapy such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), family therapy, group therapy, or skills training may be used to treat schizoaffective disorder. During therapy, you may learn about your illness, set goals, determine how to manage daily issues, and develop skills to interact with others, find a job, manage your finances and home, and manage your personal grooming. If your family attends therapy with you, they will learn how best to support you with your symptoms. In this way, therapy can help you to better self-manage your illness. Find Support With the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs Hospitalization In the event of a psychotic episode, suicidal ideation, or threats to others, you may need to be hospitalized. There is, unfortunately, no cure for schizoaffective disorder and long-term treatment and management is required. However, medication and therapy can help to reduce relapse and disruption to your life and the lives of those around you. This is why it is important to keep in contact with your doctor or psychiatrist to ensure that your treatment regimen is optimal. When to Get Help If someone you know is displaying symptoms of schizoaffective disorder, it can be hard to know how to help. While you can try to talk to your friend or relative, you also cant force him or her to seek treatment. Instead, try offering encouragement and practical advice such as looking up numbers of doctors to call or investigating avenues to receive treatment in the community. In addition, persons with this disorder may be disconnected from reality. In the event that the person is struggling with basic necessities of life such as food and shelter, or there are imminent safety concerns, you can call 911 and ask to have that person evaluated for treatment. A Word From Verywell If you have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, it is important to learn to notice when your symptoms are worsening and that you may be entering another episode. Not being able to sleep or feelings of paranoia may be one signal that this is happening. In the event you notice symptoms increasing, it is important to reach out for help as soon as possible from your doctor or other mental health professional.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
An Interview With Police Enforcement - 1391 Words
The number one career that I want to pursue is in law enforcement. Unfortunately, it did not show up on my list of occupations produced by my Self-Directed Search results. My number one goal is to obtain a career as a Deputy Officer and then work myself up to detective. Since working in law enforcement is my number one goal I decided to interview two different Sheriff Deputy Officers. The first Sheriff Deputy Officer that I interviewed was Deputy Benzor from the Los Angeles Sheriff Department. The interview that I conducted with Deputy Benzor was an informal interview that occurred while I was doing a patrol ride along. This was probably the best time to conduct an informal interview because during the patrol ride along I got to†¦show more content†¦There is always something going on somewhere and as officers they are always ready to respond. When it was about 2pm we stopped at subway to have lunch and I though this is the best time to get most of questions answered. He men tioned that one thing he does not like about his job is that he has to work during the holidays. This prevents him from spending quality time with his family during the holidays. In addition, I asked him what was it that he did in order to prepare for the filed. He mentioned that the academy training really helped shape him and prepare him for the job. Before attending academy training he mentions that he did a lot of physical training in order to be physically prepared for the academy. At this point of the ride along/interview I was amazed and this amazement was like confirmation that this is the career that I want to have. I did not ask him if he had any suggestions of someone else in the field I can speak to. The reason why I did not ask him was because I already had someone in mind I wanted to speak to. The second Sheriff Deputy that I interviewed was Deputy Joanna Gomez. The reason that I chose to interview her is because she is currently my background investigator. I am curren tly going through the process of being hired with the Los Angeles Sheriff Department and I thought she would be a good person to interview. Deputy Joanna Gomez
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Technology Is Changing The Way How We Communicate
The reading I will be analysing is The Humanisation of Media by Robert G Picard. Robert G Picard is a leading academic expert on media businesses and media policy. Robert is known for being the father of media economics studies. The issues he talking about overcoming the limits of mass communication. Another interesting issue he is talking about is the how technology of social media changes the way we communicate. The main purpose of the article talk about how technology is changing the way how we communicate. Another purpose he talks about is the future of communication of how we went from drawing on wall with stones to tying on our smartphones and computers. One of the major points of this reading was about social media how we are altering communication. Robert States the power and influence that social media has and how it can change our thinking for example Robert talks about how we use Google, Facebook and other social media platforms to determine how we use their services for various stuff . Privacy is another issues he addresses which our privacy terms are being breached and how surveillance is always spying on us for personal information he also talks about how privacy is being reduced around social media. Digital systems for social control and influence talks about how every major government conducts surveillance using the Internet and Social media,. Popularised communications would have to be most relatable topics to talk about in the readings due to talkingShow MoreRelatedEffects of Technology Essay1265 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish 091-040 4 December 2012 Effects of Technology in our world I. 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Throughout the book she mentions a piece that can relate to technology in the generation we live in and how it shapes the way we communicate, â€Å" There is no excuse for pidgin spoken by native Hawaiians who had the advantages of American education. Perhaps I have a mania on the subject, but I am convinced thatRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Our Lives934 Words  | 4 Pagesin our generation. This seems to be not a problem at moment, but with advancement of technology and new ways of meeting people digitally is seems people feel it’s appropriate to constantly be on their mobile devices without any consequences or surroundings. With Mobile device and other forms of wireless communication also effecting on distracting driving. The use of cell phones pose a risk for society in many ways involving cell phone co nversations and texting or instant messaging in car distractRead MoreIs Technology Ruining The English Language?845 Words  | 4 PagesIs Technology Ruining the English Language? 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The Role of Government in Policy Making Free Essays
While reading Chapter 2 on The Role of Government in Policy Making, I noticed that in the text it stated that â€Å"all fields of practice are affected by the social and organizational policy made by judicial decisions. †(Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Government in Policy Making or any similar topic only for you Order Now Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon pg. 35). The YWCA provides women and children with several different services. It is vital that the organization is careful of what they are doing with their clients and observe the policies for these social programs. The judicial branch of the government has a lot of power over these social programs and can completely discontinue the program under certain circumstances. This is done in order to keep the organization consistent with court orders. â€Å"The judicial branch restricts or expands the power of government administrators and officials so that they are consistent with past court decisions, with governmental principles, and (sometimes) with the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens. †(Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon). The laws that are put in place for this organization or organizations similar to the YWCA can influence the decision making and its day to day operations by a simple change in law. A change in law could mean that the requirements have been altered or changed and in order to service their clients properly, there are guidelines that need to be met. â€Å"The judiciary both creates anew and reshapes old social policy. (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon). I found that the YWCA has to only engage in activities related to its mission or purpose. â€Å"The Association may not engage in any activities that do not further the Mission or its purposes as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws. †(http://www. cortlandywca. org/pdf/ywcabylaws07. pdf) Some of the laws read were very particular about the dos and don’ts of the organization. The information read shows that these laws put in place definitely influences the organizations decision making day-to-day operations. These changes that the judicial branch make keeps the organization on their toes in making sure they follow guidelines. The role that the court system or law played in shaping policies that affect the YWCA is pivotal. The courts are very involved in the evaluative process. â€Å"The public policy values the court is free to evaluate are related to but independent from the political values which motivated the existence or absence of a statute†. The court system benefits the YWCA tremendously considering they provide shelter and protection from abuse. â€Å"Each year the YWCA helps hundreds of individuals obtain protection from abuse orders, and provides victim support in criminal and civil court cases. The YWCA court advocate provides assistance to victims who are involved in the district court system. †(http://www. ywcaofwichita. org/program-court-advocacy. htm). Knowing that the court system can not only have a negative impact on the organization but also help women who are in an abusive situation, and get away from whatever the problem is, no matter what her financial situation may be. â€Å"Courts can shape and frame social policy in regard to administrative rulings as well as legislation. †(Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon). Reading this passage has help me to realize how the judicial system really affects non-profit organizations or organizations in general. Any organization that meets the guidelines of the judicial system are affected by its policies. Keeping organizations consistent with the court orders ensures the organization effective execution when dealing with clients. Whenever a judicial decision has been made it is important for that organization to be well informed so that there is no discontinuation of the program. Although the legislative and executive branches are elected by the people, the judicial branch is a presidential pick. It is very important to stick with the policies, and procedures and be prepared for any changes that may arise. Having a preview of how the organization and the government works when it comes to a particular situation helps to help me better prepare for future endeavors. These laws and judicial decisions affect organizations all around the world, it can be a benefit to all, if everyone is well informed on what is going on and what is to come. How to cite The Role of Government in Policy Making, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Speaker free essay sample
My Attributes of Public Speaking As a speaker, their Job is the most important role in speechifying. A speaker is to talk as well as listen. Theres different skills you need to have to be a successful writer. You need to have the knowledge of the subject, the preparation of your speech, the manner of your speaking and sensitivity to the audience. When giving a speech, to get the audience to be interested, you need to have enthusiasm in your speech and voice. Even though this Job seem quite easy, theres a couple things of positive and negative attributes of speechifying. As I go on, Im going to explain to oh a couple positive and negative attributes I have. The first attribute Im going to speak about is nervousness. Ever get that feeling in your chest and stomach? Ever had a million questions and thoughts run through your head right before you recite your speech? Well I do, when Im about to do anything in front of someone, especially strangers, I get this weird adrenaline rush rushing through my body. We will write a custom essay sample on Speaker or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When people get nervous, they usually say they not good or they wish they didnt have to read their speeches. Ways to get over nervousness: 1 . Acquire speaking experience we probably nervous because we face new situations. The biggest part of stage fright is fear of the unknown. As you give more speeches and learn about public speaking the less threatening speechifying will be. 2. Prepare- practicing your speech takes time. You cannot Just wake up 5 hours before your speech is due and expect you to know it at all. . Think positively have a mindset that have a positive mindset instead of negative. If they do have a negative thought, they can change it to positive. 4. Use the power of visualization- the key to visualization is creating a vivid mental picture in which you see yourself succeeding n your speech. As you create these images in your minds eye, be realistic but keep focused on the positive aspects of your speech. Visualization help overcome stage fright, nervousness and craft a successful presentation.As we come to the second attribute, which is eye contact, movement gestures. Posture, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact all affect the way listeners respond to the speaker. Speakers are often unsure about what to do with their body while giving a speech. There is plenty of ways speakers use movement during their speech. One way is the pacing back and forth. When I give speeches, I move my body a lot either its stepping or rocking from side to side. Gestures is motions of a speakers hands or arms during a speech.I use gestures in my everyday conversations. When giving a speech with gestures, make sure your hands do not upstage your ideas. When giving direct visual contact with the eyes of another person. When you use eye contact your send nonverbal messages. When giving your speech make sure you use eye contact. Its not about Just looking at your audience, its how you look at them. Last aspect, vocabulary stuttering. When reading I have a lot of problems with renouncing how words sound and being too nervous to talk right.When Im in a big crowd I always have the little stutters and talk too fast without stopping to breathe. When I see a word that I know either hard to say or I never seen the word before its hard for me to pronounce words the right way. With these few aspects I have to improve my speechifying, there is more. Speakers has a lot of responsibility and role in communication. The speaker has 2 roles at the same time. The speaker has to talk and listen. These aspects are some I need to help me become a better speaker.
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