Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Priestly exposes weakness Essay Example
Priestly exposes weakness Essay Example Priestly exposes weakness Paper Priestly exposes weakness Paper An Inspector Calls is full of lies and deceit; write fully about how Priestly exposes weakness and wickedness, not only in the characters on stage but also in society. In order to look at the essay question properly we have to look at literature as part of wider society. The story takes place during the early 20th century. Its author JB Priestly doesnt just examine an introverted Edwardian family, the Birlings, but uses them to represent the microcosmic world of upper class Edwardian society. Thus using them to reveal the social injustice that occurred in Edwardian society. So any comment made about the Birling family by Priestly refers to the whole of Edwardian upper class society. During the Edwardian period, society was split into two halves. Either you were a rich industrialist like, Mr Birling, or a poor factory worker like Eva Smith, but for the Birlings it was an era in which they had total power and control over the deprived. The story is set in the pleasant house of the Birlings, who are a typical Edwardian family. The unravelling of the plot begins with a police inspector, Goole, and his investigation of the Birlings. He investigates each member of the familys involvement in the suicide of Eva Smith and the dignified and respectable reputations of the Birling family household are consequently revealed as overstatements. This causes the audience to question the morale standing of the rest of Edwardian society. Lets now begin by looking at the characters, not only in isolation, but as how they represent social types. Looking first at Eric Birling we can see that Priestly portrays him as a half shy, half assertive person, leaving him with a contradictive personality. He represents a figure of young Edwardian men, set in the future to take over their fathers businesses, which was the tradition at this time. Unfortunately Eric is different; he has his own views on society and disagrees with his fathers methods in politics. Eric grows up to be a rather immature young man, in his spare time he likes to get squithy which was the term used for getting drunk. Perhaps Erics drunken behaviour can be explained as his way of expressing his carefree and poor liability in life. In reference to the essay question, Erics wickedness is shown when he impregnates Eva Smith/Daisy Renton. He is the last link in the chain of events leading to Evas suicide. The night of Erics casual affaire with Miss Smith is perceived to him as a mistake on the end of a drunken evening. His weakness is shown when, in an attempt to act responsible he steals (not having any money) from his fathers account, offering support to Miss Smith and her baby. Eva Smith rejects Eric after discovering how he got the money. Eric is sorry for his actions and accepts responsibility as the last link in the chain of events which lead to Miss Smiths death. Eric has to deal with this himself as he hasnt got a close bond with the rest of the family. Sheila Birling is another member of the Birling household. She represents a stereotypical Edwardian spoilt child. Priestly portrays her as sort of a daddys girl melodramatic and selfish. She shows these qualities when she influences the dismissal of Eva smith, who at this point was employed in a shop where Miss Birling was considered a valued costumer, a perfect example of the wickedness in Edwardian society. The reason; simply because Eva Smith appeared better any a dress which had intrigued Miss Birling. Situations such as the one between Eva Smith and Sheila went on all over Edwardian society. To the rich appearance was everything. The inspector reveals to the audience another side of Sheila Birling a more sympathetic side. Perhaps Sheila Birling can be distinguished from the rest of the family as being one of the characters, along with Eric who accepted responsibility for their actions. Not many people can redeem themselves after committing such a shallow crime as the one Sheila committed against Eva Smith, certainly not anyone from Edwardian upper class society. But Miss Birling was able to. She becomes of age during the remainder of the play, sharing the inspectors views on society. Gerald Croft, Sheilas husband to be is, represents a man in his late twenties and is about to reach the high point of his manhood. The inspectors questioning of Gerald Croft reveals him to be man far from deserving his respectable reputation. The inspector unveils Geralds involvement by revealing him as the third link in a constant chain of events. It was shown that Gerald had an affaire with one Daisy Renton, who as we know was Eva Smith. The announcement of the name Daisy Renton by the inspector was responded with a sudden shock from Gerald. At this point Sheila points out to Gerald that he has given himself away. Gerald is discomforted of knowing that Sheila is present as the inspector questions him. I an attempt to prevent Miss Birling from hearing the explicit details of his affaire and to protect himself he requests for Miss Birling to be excused. I think Ms Birling ought to be excused from anymore questioning, this maybe too disturbing and unpleasant.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Cry, The Beloved Country Quotes
Cry, The Beloved Country Quotes Cry, The Beloved Country is the famous African novel by Alan Paton. The story follows the journey of a minister, who travels to the big city in search of his prodigal son. Cry, The Beloved Country is said to have been inspired (or influenced) by Laurens van der Posts novel In a Province (1934). Alan Paton started the novel in 1946, and the book was finally published in 1948. Paton was a South African author and anti-apartheid activist. Quotes From Chapter One Through Chapter Ten There is a lovely road that runs from Ixopo into the hills... [T]hey go to Johannesburg, and there they are lost, and no one hears of them at all. One day in Johannesburg, and already the tribe was being rebuilt, the house and soul being restored. I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find that we are turned to hating. All roads lead to Johannesburg. Now God be thanked that the name of a hill is such music, that the name of a river can heal. Quotes From Chapter Eleven Through Chapter Twenty for who is not silent when someone is dead, who was a small bright boy? Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of our fear. Have no doubt it is fear in his eyes. You see, my brother, there is no proof that my son or this other young man was there at all. [W]e do what is in us, and why it is in us, that is also a secret. It is Christ in us, crying that men may be succoured and forgiven, even when He Himself is forsaken. Old man, leave him alone. You lead him so far and then you spring upon him. Quotes From Chapter Twenty Through Chapter Thirty It is not permissible to add to ones possessions if these things can only be done at the cost of other men. Such development has only one true name, and that is exploitation. The truth is, our civilization is not Christian; it is a tragic compound of great ideal and fearful practice, of loving charity and fearful clutching of possessions. In a land of fear this incorruptibility is like a lamp set upon a stand, giving light to all that are in the house. [T]his thing that is the heaviest thing of all my years, is the heaviest thing of all your years also. Nothing is ever quiet, except for fools. I shall care for your child, my son, even as if it were my own. I am a weak and sinful man, but God put His hands on me, that is all. Something deep is touched here, something that is good and deep. Forgive us all, for we all have trespasses. I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering. Quotes From Chapter Thirty-One Through Chapter Thirty-Five When you go, something bright will go out of Ndotsheni. that is a small angel from God. Although nothing has come yet, something is here already. One thing is about to be finished, but here is something that is only begun. But when the dawn will come, of our emancipation, from the fear of bondage and the bondage of fear, why, that is a secret.
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