Friday, November 29, 2019
Admin Assistant Essay Example
Admin Assistant Essay Dear Future Employee, Upon reading the job description you have posted, I am certain I would be a perfect fit for the position at hand. I am extremely computer efficient, and make an excellent assistant/office administrator/support for all who are in need of it in the office when necessary. I possess very good listening skills, am not afraid to ask questions, and am extremely straightforward, acting as a key problem solver when issues may arise.In addition to my administrative skills, I offer significant abilities and experience in organizing, prioritizing, confidentiality of documents, and detailed preparation of reports and projects. My ability to get along well with others, to make necessary adjustments to meet deadlines, and effectively coordinate in fast-paced environments have all contributed to my growth in this field and my employers placing a significant degree of trust in me.I am available to start as soon as possible and I have attached a copy of my resume so you may see m y qualifications for yourself, however, I believe a face to face interview would allow us to get to know each other better and answer any questions that may arise. I really believe I am an excellent candidate for this position and hope I will be considered. A chance to prove that I can be a great addition to your team is all I ask. Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide in terms of references or writing samples. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing back from you. Sincerely,
Monday, November 25, 2019
Images of Women in Maintream essays
Images of Women in Maintream essays IMAGES OF WOMEN IN MAINSTREAM CULTURE The most successful box office hits in history are science-fiction films. This indicates that the audience - society - likes what they see in these movies. Science-fiction has long been viewed as a male dominated genre. Although there have been notable exceptions in such films as Alien (and its sequels) and the original Terminator, for the most part, science-fiction films have been laden with male heroes in powerful positions. Females, in most of these films, have been subjected to three roles: reasoner/comforter, sex object, and victim. While the male characters are allowed to make the difficult decisions and handle the demanding physical tasks, the female characters are often forced to stand behind them and console or reason with their man when things dont go according to plan. By employing a textual analysis of two recent science-fiction box office successes; Star Trek: First Contact (Jonathan Frakes, 1996) and Independence Day (Roland Emmerich, 1996); one can clearly see the abo ve pattern of male/female power relationships in full effect. Both films present female characters as victims, reasoner/comforter, and sex objects. Furthermore, the pattern demonstrated in these two films can be further examined by observing its absorption into the dominant mainstream culture through the overwhelming audience responses to the two films. According to Douglas Kellner, Media images help shape our view of the world and our deepest values and these two films were major media images during their time of theatrical release. When the textual analysis and observation of audience response to the films are combined with the theories of some of todays cultural studies writers, one can develop a clear view of how societys view of women in relation to men becomes clearly defined in the products of the societys culture. In the articles ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Giddens Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Giddens Sociology - Essay Example As the discussion stresses the obsessive concern about dieting and life-threatening forms of anorexia are spreading like epidemics in western societies. Astonishingly they are connected with social factors, experiences and the ‘inter-connections between social life and the body,’. Giddens says ‘sociology of the body’ depends on two major themes, one, ‘the effects of social change on the body’ and another, ‘the increasing separation of the body from nature,’ and hence, is connected with the reproductive technologies, which was referred to as social technologies by Foucault, meaning our intervention in the regular functioning of the body. Wide spreading of anorexia could also be caused by globalization and acceptance of western culture. This paper declares that Gidden feels that every British is dieting all the while, not only by eating less, but also by being decisively choosy about the right food. Advertisements, scientific and medical constant information and recent discoveries coming through a bombarding media, regarding cholesterol and its connection with heart disease, and calorie content of different foods influence people’s decisions. Today, we are able to design and shape our own bodies by exercising, dieting and making constant decisions about food habits, even though the situation causes enormous stress and tension. If women embark into exercising regime for attaining ‘body beautiful’, men are concerned about the careful cultivation of muscular bodies.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Skilled Nursing and Continuing Long-Term Care (SLP) Essay
Skilled Nursing and Continuing Long-Term Care (SLP) - Essay Example People go to SNFs when they need assistance with their medical treatments. These patients are mostly on respirators, feeding tubes, or a variety of other problems which need medical treatment. SNFs are the second choice after hospitals as these patients are treated fully in the hospitals but need constant care and assistance. The nurses in SNFs are trained professionally in dealing with patients and medicines. They provide patients with 24 hours care but these facilities are smaller than normal nursing homes (Rosdahl, 2008). The advantages of SNFs are that they are much smaller than hospitals or regular nursing homes which mean that the patient would get full attention and would be easily able to call the nurses for their needs. If the patient is not satisfied with any part of the facility, it will be easier to reach to the social workers and a solution is given immediately. SNFs are also more focused towards rehabilitation and healthy living with activities such as regular physical therapies, occupational therapists visiting, and speech therapies for patients who need it. They also take care of the emotional, social, and spiritual well being of the patient. Most importantly SNFs have nurses that provide patients with the direct care. They have a professional team of individuals that belong to different fields such as nurses, therapists, physicians, social workers, etc. They provide the patients with the needed treatments and are available all the time (Rosdahl, 2008). There are some disadvantages and dangers to the use of SNFs which are recently greatly developed. These disadvantages are due to the complex and deteriorating system of long term care in the U.S. Many patients go directly from Intensive Care Units to SNFs where they need critical care but because the nurses are paid lesser, their efficiency levels are lower, and that affects the care given to the patients. SNFs have dangers such as medication errors, falls, and spread of infections. There
Monday, November 18, 2019
Essential Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Essential - Essay Example Key aspects of PDSA cycle revolve around its ability to allow change agents to test an idea by trailing the entire process and evaluating its impact bit by bit (McFadden, Lee, Charles & Sharp, 2014). In others, words key aspects of PDSA cycle involves opportunity to develop, test and implement change ideas. The three vital steps that deserve particular attention in PDSA cycle when you strive to translate evidence into practice are the Plan, Do and Study Stages. The Plan stage provides the opportunity to define goals, predictions and objectives of the change process. The Do stage allows time to undertake data collection and analysis of the data while Study stage allows for comparison of data before and after change process. 2. It is worth noting that practicum experience was an integral part of fieldwork experience as it availed an important opportunity to work closely with a variety of leaders in different healthcare setup key among them doctors, nurses and administrators. Through practicum experience, undoubtedly I gained unmatched confidence and experience in performing different roles in a multitude of hospital environment. Additionally, I have improved my teamwork and interpersonal skills significantly as the practical experience provided an opportunity to communicate and collaborate with different healthcare staff frequently on a variety of tasks. Despite the great opportunity to work with different professional healthcare workers I still need to work on my leadership abilities relating to network development as well as health policy and advocacy during this course. 3. The healthcare service delivery has been a subject of dramatic change overtime owing to a number of aspects key among them being advancement in technology, knowledge explosion, increased diversity and change in disease patterns (AACN, 2012). This implies that there is significant need to focus on building professional attributes and skills that are future
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Muscular Dystrophy Disease
Muscular Dystrophy Disease Muscular Dystrophy Muscular dystrophy is when you have thin and weak muscles. You usually fall frequently and you run very strange. You have difficulty getting up and you cant sit up straight. It usually affects boys (rarely girls). â€Å"People with Muscular Dystrophy have incorrect or missing information in their genes.†The symptoms of muscular dystrophy are when you have poor balance and you cant walk straight. Sometimes you can have a curve on your spine; kind of like scoliosis. You tend to walk on your toes because you cant put your feet flat. You cant even climb stairs. If the Childs heart and breathing muscles get weak, they could die before reaching the age 20 from heart failure or pneumonia. In 1830 Sir Charles Bells discovered that Muscular Dystrophy is an x-linked genetic disorder that causes children to have progressive muscle weakness; most boys inherit this mutation from their mothers. People are born with this problem. Its not contagious and you cant catch it from someone else who has it. Some people develop this disease when they are adults. But usually, the signs of a child having muscular dystrophy appear around the ages three to five. There are many different type of muscular dystrophies. Such as, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Becker dystrophy, Emery- Dreifuss Muscular dystrophy, Myotonic muscular dystrophy, Limb- Gridle dystrophy, Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, Congenital dystrophy, Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy and Distal muscular dystrophy. Duchenne Dystrophy occurs 2 out of every 10,000 young men. It is the most severe disease out of all of the muscular dystrophies. It occurs mostly in young boys that affects children today. The signs and symptoms of muscular dystrophy may include sudden falls, Large calf muscles, difficulty getting up when lying or sitting down, difficulty running or jumping, weak leg muscles, and â€Å" Mild mental retardation, in some cases â€Å". Becker muscular dystrophy is milder than Duchene. It affects older boys and young men, but it progresses slower than others. The signs and the symptoms of Becker dystrophy are similar to Duchenne except that Becker usually appears between the ages 12 to 16. But the latest it can appear is around the ages 25 to 30. This disease can also cause severe heart problems. Emery-Dreifuss dystrophy can appear in your early childhood or teenage years and it can only affect males. â€Å"It causes muscle weakness and wasting in the shoulders, upper arms, and lower legs.†There can also be life threatening heart problems to the carriers. Such as the mothers, the sisters and the daughters. â€Å"Muscle shortening (contractures) occur early in this disease.†It can weaken your chest and pelvic muscles; that means that when you breathe, it is hard to inhale oxygen because your muscles dont let you move your chest. This progresses slowly, but it causes less muscle weakness than other muscular dystrophies. Myotonic muscular dystrophy is the most common in adults. â€Å"It affects both men and women and it can appear from any time from early childhood to adulthood. In some rare cases it can appear in newborns.†This symptom can get worse in cold temperatures. It not only affects your whole body but it affects your nervous system (the brain). Which means it is going to affect your hormones and how you do simple things. Because your brain is like the command center, a normal person can go through puberty and do simple things like picking up a phone. But when you have these diseases, you cant grow and you cant do certain things because your brain has a dysfunction. Limb-gridle can appear in the early teens and early adulthood and it can affect males and females. â€Å"Limb-girdle causes progressive weakness that begins in the hips and moves to the shoulders, arms, and legs.†In 20 years, walking can be almost impossible. Sufferers are able to live there late adulthood. Facioscapulohumeral affects the face, shoulder blade, and the upper arm bone. â€Å"This form of muscular dystrophy appears in the teens to early adulthood and affects males and females.†You can have short periods and rapid deterioration. The percentage is very mild for you to be completely disabled. About 50% of the people that suffer from this disease can walk their whole lives; they can usually live a normal life span. People with Congenital muscular dystrophy are born with problem and it can affect either male or female. The doctors can figure out if the baby has muscular dystrophy in the first few months of the Childs life or at birth. â€Å"Along with severe and early contractures.†You can often have seizures when you get older. Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy can appear in men and women in there 40s, 50s and 60s. It causes weakness in the eye and face muscles, which may lead to difficulty swallowing and sometimes choking. â€Å"Weakness in pelvic and shoulder muscles may occur later. Distal dystrophy is one of the rare forms of muscular dystrophy that affects both men and women. It causes muscle weakness in the forearm, hands, lower legs, and feet. Generally, distal dystrophy is less severe and it progresses very slowly than others. Muscular dystrophy is dominant trait. And the expectancy of muscular dystrophy ranges from 2-40 years old. â€Å"The overall frequency of all LGMD (limb-gridle) syndromes has been estimated to be 5-70 per 1 million populations in several countries.†But muscular dystrophy is most common in Brazil. There is no cure for muscular dystrophy but doctors and scientists are working hard to find one. â€Å"Some are even trying to fix the defective genes that lead to muscular dystrophy so they will make the right proteins. Others are trying to make chemicals that will act like these proteins in the body.†Things that will help Muscular Dystrophy Certain exercises such as physical therapy can help them with stiffening muscles near the joints. Some times teens use special braces to â€Å"ensure flexible joints and tendons.†Surgery is some times used to reduce pain. Medication can help sometimes. People with heart problems are very important that heart specialists monitor their heart.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Character of Hareton in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Essay
The Character of Hareton in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights, written by Emile Bronte, is on of the most famous Victorian novels in English literature. This novel was the only novel written by her. The novel has the social and moral values in England in the nineteenth century as the recurring theme. The adjective ‘wuthering’ is used in some parts of rural England to describe stormy weather. Wuthering Heights is a farmhouse on top of a small hillock, which is open to all the elements of wind and weather and hence is synonymous with passion and violence. The other house nearby, Thrushcross Grange contrasts sharply with Wuthering Heights. The two groups of people residing here, the Earnshaws in the former and the Lintons in the latter, are also people with opposing tendencies. Into this world comes a man alien to both extremes, Heathcliff who is adopted by the Earnshaws. The whole story revolves around these characters. Hareton Earnshaw, son of Frances and Hindley Earnshaw has a small but important part in the novel. Belonging to the second generation of characters, he personifies the passionate nature of the Earnshaws and yet is warm and gentle. Hareton is of a warm and, considering his situation, a very genial disposition. He owns his own share of the wild passions that are so common to the Earnshaws, but is forced into a life of subjugation. He is quite intelligent, but is made to lead a life of an ignorant by Heathcliff, who after Hindley’s death denied him any further education. Hareton as a child is wild and unruly, having a mouthful of foul words. Hareton as young man is still very rough, though subdued ... ...riendship with Cathy grows into a strong and mutual love culminating in a marriage. His love for Cathy is also, like him, pure and innocent. He transforms, from a shabbily clad ignoramus to a respectably dressed gentleman. We do not see any of the common Victorian hypocrisy in his nature. His good character and genial temperament makes him one of the best characters in the novel. Hareton’s presence cannot be felt throughout the novel, but he effectually completes the story. He can be compared to a rough, unpolished diamond whose shine was not so well perceivable until another genial soul unearthed it from the mines of ignorance. He is a shining example of the fact that no matter where the circumstances of one’s life leads to, they will, sooner or later fall upon the track of life on which they are supposed to be.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Political Control in South Asia
Establishing political control in South Asia, was something that the British was able to accomplish in the late 70s and early 80s. The British saw certain opportunities that led for them to start trading and commerce from India to outside world. The British had plans for India, which later led to collection of revenues on behalf of the Mughal Emperor, resulting decline of power by the Mughals side. The expansion of the British into newer territories, it was to keep the allies at a distance. As for the Ryotwari system in India that played a role as land revenue systems before-hand, after the British came along. It affected India because the ownership of the land was given to the peasants and the British government collected the tax which demonstrated not fair to the peasants. The revenue rates as per the Ryotwari system were 50% with land being dry and irrigated with 60%. The Zamindars were never the owners of their own land and the rent collectors would not be fair towards them. The British were able to establish political control in South Asia because of confusion created by the decline in power of the Mughal Empire, the compulsion to take over new territories, and the implementation of the Ryotwari system over India. During the 1700s, the Mughal Empire had a significant decline in power, and was unable to directly govern or control its territories. Afterwards, the local rulers, called the Raja's and Sultan's, greedy for power over India made claims to power causing trouble and violence to spread over local territories . This caused confusion within India's government because, the Raja's and Sultans were not able to clearly identify their territories and rules, For example, Bernard Cohn's essay on the Banaras region clearly marked that â€Å"it was precisely because there were always ‘many sharers in the dignity and power of kingship with overlapping rights and obligations that 'empire and ‘state' represented ‘limited political entities in India'†(11). Resulting with no leadership or general politics which were formed at critical movements that highlights the causes of decline and it was important for the structure of the Mughal administrative system. Adding to the British control over the political establishment for South Asia, the peasants and the zamindars from the northern and the westerns part of India were added towards this problem. For the British, it was easier to target the zamindars for collecting revenues, as they show loyalty and mostly were the powerful class of a local populations. The zamindars were enjoying the given power from the British, as they would collect money from the peasants and the British government officials would take money from zamindars. The zamindars would have to pay a fixed revenue towards to the government officials as their fees. The book states, â€Å"The Ryotwari system defined the state itself as the supreme zamindar and vested a ryot with individual proprietary rights in land in return for annual cash payment or revenue assessments to the government (ibid.)†(73). The revenue that was collected by the zamindar was fixed and to be collected from each village. Focusing on empire-building for India, it ended up being under the rule of the British. British took advantage of India in ways of getting everything flushed out. By being in control for their profits from raw material goods and the fact of having larger populations and the diversity towards the markets. Later, after they had settled for some time the British took interest in Indian economy where the focus was to grow. The book had mentioned about Europeans traders to have strong control over the Mughal Empire, and that later on had faced decline and the British took advantage of that decline to make their win other territories within India. Because the British took the rejection of the Mughal empire, India was regulated by the British government and had developed all over India. The successful established of the British within India was the occurrence of these events that took place because India was lacking unity within the political section at that time period. British rule not only took over the political but also the economy, textiles industries, and the import ; export of the products from India to other countries around the world, leading to get more profits and take in-charge of the nation.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Free Essays on The Zodiac
Language Cultures The Zodiac It is believed that the zodiacal signs originated in Mesopotamia as early as 2000 BC. The Greeks adopted the symbols from the Babylonians and passed them on to the other ancient civilizations. The Egyptians assigned other names and symbols to the zodiacal divisions. The Chinese also adopted the 12-fold division, but called the signs rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, serpent, horse, sheep, monkey, hen, dog, and pig. Independently, the Aztec people devised a similar system. A horoscope is divided into twelve sections, called the signs of the Zodiac, which include Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Astrologers assign every planet (which in astrology includes the sun and moon) with a particular sign, depending on where that planet appears on the ecliptic at the time for which the horoscope is cast. Each planet represents basic human drives, and each sign represents a set of human characteristics. When astrologers designate a person as a certain sign- a Leo or a Pisces, for example- they are referring to the person's sun sign- that is, the sign that the sun occupied at the time of the person's birth. The horoscope also is divided into twelve houses, which make up the 24-hour period during which the earth rotates once on its axis. Each house deals with certain areas of a person's life, such as marriage, health, work, travel, and death. Astrologers make predictions by interpreting the position of astronomical bodies within the signs and houses of the horoscope. zodiac Signs of the Zodiac Constellation English Name Symbol Dates Aries The Ram Mar. 21-Apr. 19 Taurus The Bull Apr. 20-May 20 Gemini The Twins May 21-June 21 Cancer The Crab June 22-July 22 Leo The Lion July 23-Aug. 22 Virgo The Virgin Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Libra The Balance Sept. 23-Oct. 23 Scorpio The Scorpion Oct. 24-Nov. 21 Sagittarius The Arch... Free Essays on The Zodiac Free Essays on The Zodiac Language Cultures The Zodiac It is believed that the zodiacal signs originated in Mesopotamia as early as 2000 BC. The Greeks adopted the symbols from the Babylonians and passed them on to the other ancient civilizations. The Egyptians assigned other names and symbols to the zodiacal divisions. The Chinese also adopted the 12-fold division, but called the signs rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, serpent, horse, sheep, monkey, hen, dog, and pig. Independently, the Aztec people devised a similar system. A horoscope is divided into twelve sections, called the signs of the Zodiac, which include Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Astrologers assign every planet (which in astrology includes the sun and moon) with a particular sign, depending on where that planet appears on the ecliptic at the time for which the horoscope is cast. Each planet represents basic human drives, and each sign represents a set of human characteristics. When astrologers designate a person as a certain sign- a Leo or a Pisces, for example- they are referring to the person's sun sign- that is, the sign that the sun occupied at the time of the person's birth. The horoscope also is divided into twelve houses, which make up the 24-hour period during which the earth rotates once on its axis. Each house deals with certain areas of a person's life, such as marriage, health, work, travel, and death. Astrologers make predictions by interpreting the position of astronomical bodies within the signs and houses of the horoscope. zodiac Signs of the Zodiac Constellation English Name Symbol Dates Aries The Ram Mar. 21-Apr. 19 Taurus The Bull Apr. 20-May 20 Gemini The Twins May 21-June 21 Cancer The Crab June 22-July 22 Leo The Lion July 23-Aug. 22 Virgo The Virgin Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Libra The Balance Sept. 23-Oct. 23 Scorpio The Scorpion Oct. 24-Nov. 21 Sagittarius The Arch...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Analyse the reasons for separatism Essay Example
Analyse the reasons for separatism Essay Example Analyse the reasons for separatism Essay Analyse the reasons for separatism Essay Analyses the reasons for separatism within and/or across national boundaries and discuss its consequences Separatism can be defined where within a country, an ethnic group, religion, or regional group tries to gain more autonomy from a central government which can lead to the push for Independence from the mall country. An example of this Is where South Sudan split off from main Sudan following a referendum which 98. 83% of Sudanese voted for its independence. Separatism can occur for many reasons, this may be due to oppression of a minority group (egg. He Kurds), the feeling of being too Raphael to the main country to receive economic or political benefits (egg. Scotland in the United Kingdom) or even historical allegiances can occur (egg. Eastern Ukraine returning to Russia). Separatism can lead to call unrest such as violent protests, or In severe cases call war but separatism can soul ultimately have positive outcomes. Ukraine gained its independence from Russia in 1991 but ever since there has always been allegiances to Russia from within Ukraine and notably Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Situations within Ukraine spiraled out of control at the hands of former President Victor Hancock. Victor declined to make European Union association agreements so that Ukraine would secure greater ties with Europe. Instead he proposed that Ukraine would verge more towards ties with the Russian Federation, subsequently this culminated into protests in Kiev by the pro-European union group Remained leading to the Presidents ousting in February 2014. This Is where separatism manifested in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea because pro-Russian groups opposed Hunchbacks ousting from presidency. Its easy to assume that the proportion of Ukrainians In favor of pro-Russian ties Is quite minimal If Ukraine was joking to leave behind Its Soviet past but within Crimea, Donates, and Lunches over 50% of their population indemnify Russia as their main language and Donates is the largest blast (region) by population in the country showing that there is plenty of support for pro-Russian separatism within Ukraine. The protests in Southeastern Ukraine had the consequences of leading to Crimes annexation to Russia and armed Insurgency in Lunches and Donates which has further caused armed conflict between the pro-Russian separatists and the Ukrainian government. Separatism In he Ukraine has had a devastating effect on the Southeastern portion of the country and is expected to plunge Ukrainian economy by 8% for 2014. The violence within Ukraine has therefore crippled its infrastructure and economy and the subsequent loss of Donates and Lunches will also have a significant blow on Ukrainian mining industry. If Donates and Lunches become independent states but reliant on the Russian Federation, there will also be the Issue of covering the costs of the damage, Ana ensuring ten welfare AT people Tolling ten armed conflict. For Don sloes, ten earring outcome is quite negative in the short-term but in the long term it will ensure that there is no longer any ethnically or ideological divide within Ukraine but violence is still unnecessary in the drive for separatism. There is also a major example of a peaceful separatist movement and this one which is very close to home. Scotland recently had its referendum over whether it should secure independence and 55% of voters voted in favor of no but that 45% suggests that an overwhelming amount of Scottish people were seeking independence from the United Kingdom. This may have been inspired by patriotic reasons or driving by Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmons who led the independence campaign in the first place. Let us say for example that Scotland had become independent, what would that mean for Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom? Wales identifies with its rich but dwindling language and if the outcomes are positive for Scotland it may want to seek independence for its own, which in turn could lead to the full breakup of the United Kingdom. The loss of Scotland could also lead to the loss of North Sea oil reserves, however if divided by population in England and Scotland, Scotland would only receive 10% of that oil and lose out in the long run. There is also the issue of Scotland needing to rejoin the European Union which could cause it to lose the currency of the Pound and replace this with Euro if formally requested by the EX. but if a country such as Greece which also uses the Euro enters into another money crisis then this could devalue the Euro and in turn effect Scotland economy. Scotland would of course be allowed to establish its own laws and Scotland may come a more desirable place to study with lower tuition fees and in fact since tuition fees were increased to EYE three years ago, students south of Scotland have bills totaling up to EYE billion, where as Scottish students have altogether saved up to El billion in bills. In reality there have been positive outcomes after the referendum had occurred and this is because David Cameron has called for greater recognition of Scottish people in the United Kingdom which could result in greater power from within Scotland capital Edinburgh and largest city Glasgow. Separatism may come from an oppressed minority group. The Kurds do not have a country of their own and a majority of them live in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, where up to 15 million Kurds live in Turkey, which is 25% of the population. Kurds are systematically abused in Turkey despite a zero-tolerance policy from the government and Kurdish separatism is also silenced in Turkish media. The proposal for a nation for the Kurds Sardinian will especially take out large chunks of Turkish and Iraqi land which would most likely cause both countries to deny Kurdish independence from occurring. This is even more difficult since the PACK (Kurdish Workers Party) was formed and is trying to establish a communist Sardinian which would isolate the country in a more right-wing political environment. The push for independence has seen advancements in the Kurdish cause as Iraq has given more autonomy to the Kurds however since they were given more autonomy in Iraq in 1970, Sad Hussein caused the genocide of 182,000 Kurds in 1988 which led to a greater push for independence and a great resentment of what happened. Looking forward to a retirement was Ella n DAY Iraq Ana tans was In conjunction wilt winter an independent Sardinian should be established and despite a majority vote, an independent state never materialized. Another referendum is to be held late this year and it is suggested that Turkey would recognize an independent Kurdish state, implying that if Sardinian became independent then perhaps Turkey would give the Kurds more autonomy. Separatism has the ultimate goal of giving a region within a country its independence but it can result in a multiple amount of outcomes. The example of the Ukraine shows that violence in separatism can ultimately damage a countrys infrastructure ND economy whilst leaving regions such Donates and Lunches in turmoil. The example of Scotland shows that holding a referendum over independence can cause central government in London to step up and give Scotland more power which is very positive for the countrys future. Whilst the example of Sardinian shows that oppression can ultimately lead a minority group onto not Just pushing for autonomy but for an independent state. Separatism must be assertive to work and must challenge a central government if it is to also work but taking a violent approach will lead to negative outcomes for both sides.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Rene Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Rene Descartes - Essay Example "I think, hence I am, [this is] so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however extravagant, could be alleged by the skeptics capable of shaking it, [therefore] I concluded that I might, without scruple, accept it as the first principle of the philosophy of which I was in search." (Descartes, 1989, p30) This is fair enough from a depth psychological perspective. Although psychic energy (particularly archetypal energy) is more usually regarded as Jungian Depth Psychology's starting point due to psychic energy being primordial and universal. It is the view of Jungians that it took millenia's of human psychological evolution to produce humans like Descartes who are capable of such great attentitive, focused, reflective thought. Nevertheless, for Descartes, he was primarily focused on this own individual self, and for that reason his starting point is accepted here. "Thus what I thought I had seen with my eyes, I actually grasped solely with the faculty of judgment, which is in my mind." (Descartes) We can be certain of psychic reality. We can be largely certain of much physical reality but what Descartes is saying here, is that outer objects may not be seen as they really are. We have no way of knowing. We cannot get beyond human limitations. Where Jungian Depth Psychology parts from Descartes is in limiting his thinking to one type directed consciousness thinking. But before coming to that we can briefly state what is positive in this Cartesian method. It has already been noted that it took millenia's of evolution to reach the stage where one could reflect, think, be attentive and focused in the way that Descartes was. Because for Descartes, the true way of living was to 'think'. A thinking thing must think in order to be healthy. For... Rene Descartes was a major philosopher of the seventeenth century, belonging to the school of continental rationalism. Descartes sets out in his Discourse on Method to doubt all that could be doubted, albeit not to end up believing in nothing, but rather so that he would believe in only that which really was true. We can be certain of psychic reality. We can be largely certain of much physical reality but what Descartes is saying here, is that outer objects may not be seen as they really are. We have no way of knowing. We cannot get beyond human limitations. Where Jungian Depth Psychology parts from Descartes is in limiting his thinking to one type†¦ directed consciousness thinking. But before coming to that we can briefly state what is positive in this Cartesian method. It has already been noted that it took millennia's of evolution to reach the stage where one could reflect, think, be attentive and focused in the way that Descartes was. Because for Descartes, the true way of l iving was to ‘think’. A thinking thing must think in order to be healthy. For Descartes, this thinking must be free from passion and prejudice if it is to be healthy†¦ and if it is to â€Å"operate with perfect rational clarity and thereby attain certain knowledge†. Descartes (as good as) perfects ‘directed thinking’ appropriate to his ‘pre-Freud’ and ‘pre Jung’ time and place.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Personal Finance Concepts Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Finance Concepts - Personal Statement Example Based on the list above, the transactions which would result in an increase in the total assets of a business are as follows:Based on the list above, the transactions which would result in an increase in the total assets of a business are as follows:ïÆ'Ëœ Transaction #1 – A company receives a cash investment from the owner. When a company receives an additional infusion of cash from the owner, the total asset specifically the asset account is increased. This is accompanied by a corresponding augmentation in the stockholders’ or owners’ equity. Transaction #4 – A company purchases machinery for a plant and signs a promissory note in payment. This transaction will result in an increase in total assets due to the increase in the property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) account. In this regard, the company’s liability will also increase due to the issuance of the promissory note which is tantamount to a promise to pay a specified amount at the sti pulated terms (Meigs & Meigs, 1986). Transaction #8 – A company borrows money from a bank.Similar to the initial transaction, the company’s total assets particularly the asset account increases as it receives the money loaned from the bank. With this transaction, the company’s total liability also increases since an obligation to pay the bank loan arises. Note that the other transactions do not result in an increase in total assets due to the reasons summarized as follows: When a company makes the cash purchase for a building, there is no movement in total assets because the amount in cash account is just transferred to another asset account which is building or PP&E account.
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