Thursday, November 21, 2019

Giddens Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Giddens Sociology - Essay Example As the discussion stresses the obsessive concern about dieting and life-threatening forms of anorexia are spreading like epidemics in western societies. Astonishingly they are connected with social factors, experiences and the ‘inter-connections between social life and the body,’. Giddens says ‘sociology of the body’ depends on two major themes, one, ‘the effects of social change on the body’ and another, ‘the increasing separation of the body from nature,’ and hence, is connected with the reproductive technologies, which was referred to as social technologies by Foucault, meaning our intervention in the regular functioning of the body. Wide spreading of anorexia could also be caused by globalization and acceptance of western culture. This paper declares that Gidden feels that every British is dieting all the while, not only by eating less, but also by being decisively choosy about the right food. Advertisements, scientific and medical constant information and recent discoveries coming through a bombarding media, regarding cholesterol and its connection with heart disease, and calorie content of different foods influence people’s decisions. Today, we are able to design and shape our own bodies by exercising, dieting and making constant decisions about food habits, even though the situation causes enormous stress and tension. If women embark into exercising regime for attaining ‘body beautiful’, men are concerned about the careful cultivation of muscular bodies.

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